Monday, 15 June 2009

The Magic Attic

It lived up to its name! A dozen of us spent a most enjoyable day using the resources of this amazing local and family history archive as inspiration for writing. A big thank-you to Graham Nutt who's been a volunteer at the Attic for over 20 years, and to Marion and Jackie who assisted on the day. The Attic can be found online here and at Sharpe's Pottery Museum, West St, Swadlincote SE11 9DG. It is a mine of information about South Derbyshire, N.W. Leicestershire and East Staffs, with newspapers dating back to 1782, local family records from 1640, maps and 22,000 photos from 1842 onwards.
(Photo from the Attic's collection:
Gresley Fire Brick clay mine c.1956)

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